Friday, April 08, 2005

Emperor of France Declares War on Everyone

In a move that some, if not all would consider suicidal the Emperor of France Declares War on everyone!

After changing into his royal pajamas the Emperor of France displays his arrogance assuring victory.

One can only assume that surrender will follow shortly.

An International Audience For An International Game

Just to remind everyone that this game is being set on international stage and that others are watching.

The Last 100 Hits

Good luck to everyone and make your Country proud

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Starting Map

Just in case anyone hasn't read the rules, here is the starting location of your forces.

AUSTRIA - A Vienna, A Budapest, F Trieste
ENGLAND - F London, F Edinburgh, A Liverpool
FRANCE - A Paris, A Marseilles, F Brest
GERMANY - A Berlin, A Munich, F Kiel
ITALY - A Rome, A Venice, F Naples
RUSSIA - A Moscow, F Sevastopol, A Warsaw, F St. Petersburgh (SC)
TURKEY - F Ankara, A Constantinople, A Smyrna